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Viewing Revision #6 from 11/23/2018 6:02 p.m.
Prometheus, a CNCF open-source project, is a service monitoring system founded in 2012. It consists of monitoring, alerting, and a time-series database.
Prometheus' main features are:
a user-defined multi-dimensional data model
highly efficient data storage
a powerful query language on multi-dimensional data (PromQL)
time-series data are fetched through HTTP pull
service discovery as well as static configuration
visualization of metrics and dashboarding
Nov 24, 2012: Prometheus was started at SoundCloud
Jan 26, 2015: Public release as an open source project
May 9, 2016: Joined Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Jul 18, 2016: Prometheus released 1.0.0
Aug 25, 2016: First Prometheus Conference at Berlin