
4D is a relational DBMS that is integrated with an IDE and a proprietary programming language. It allows users to create custom graphical interfaces to work with their database, which can then be run on Windows or Mac OS systems to edit a locally stored database file. 4D can also run as a server so that multiple clients can manage a single database. The latest version of 4D includes "4D for iOS Preview" which creates a customizable iOS app for viewing database contents.


4D was originally developed under the name "Silver Surfer" in the 1980s as a DBMS for the Macintosh platform.

Data Model


Concurrency Control

Not Supported

4D requires users to explicitly lock/unlock records and avoid deadlocks. For every user/process, each table in the database is given a read-only or read/write status. If a table is in the read-only state for a given user, all existing records loaded from the table are considered locked and cannot be modified. Any user can append new records to a table, even if it is read-only. If a table is in the read/write state, records will load as unlocked for the first user to load them. To modify a record that is already locked, a user can repeatedly load the record until it unlocks. A user unloads a record to make it available again to other users/processes.

A user can change a table from read-only to read/write or back at any time, but this only affects future load requests made by that user. If a read/write command is executed on a locked record, the command will either be ignored, display an error, or skip the record (if the command targets multiple records). Skipped records are added to the LockedSet of the requesting process to alert it of the error.


Consistent Blocking

Every modification to the data file since the last backup is recorded in the associated log file ("*.journal"). If the database file is corrupted, 4D will restore the most recent backup and replay the changes in the log. When a new backup is created, the log file is cleared. Backups can be triggered manually or on a schedule. By default, the database will backup every Sunday at 00:00:00, and only the three most recent backups are kept. The database cannot be edited while a backup is running.

Query Interface

Custom API SQL

4D Logo


Tech Docs



Laurent Ribardière

Country of Origin


Start Year


Former Name

4th Dimension, Silver Surfer

Project Type


Operating Systems

iOS, OS X, Windows



