Couchbase-Server is an opensource, distributed (shared-nothing) NoSQL document-oriented databse. It is desgined for interactive applications involving multiple users and concurrency operations. Couchbase server provides key-value or JSON document access scaled from one single machine to multiple machines. Couchbase server supports the Memcached client protocol and provides extra features like disk persistence, data replication, live cluster reconfiguration, rebalancing and multi-tenancy with data partitioning.
In 2010, the origination of Couchbase, Membase, was developed by a company called NorthScale which was founded by developers from Memcached project.
In February, 2011, the Membase project founders and Membase, Inc. merged with CouchOne(a company with many engineers behind CouchDB) as a new company called Couchbase, Inc.
In January 2012, Couchbase Server 1.8 was released and 1.8 was the first version after rename from Membase.
In December 2012, CouchBase Server 2.0 was released. New features like JSON new document store, indexing and querying, incremental MapReduce and replication across data centers are added.
Couchbase, Inc.
C, C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python