BedRock is the system that backs Expensify, the expense management company. It had been used for 8 years prior to being launched. It was originally created as an in house solution to the strict database constraints of financial institutions - response time within milliseconds, transaction logging and authentication, and replication of multiple servers.
N-ary Storage Model (Row/Record)
Bedrock stores data in a SQLite database. This stores data in a row-wise, where each row is referred to as a tuple. The tuples are stored contiguously on each page, and can be stored across multiple pages.
Bedrock queries can be any SQLite compatible query. The result is returned in an HTTP-like / JSON format, as per user request. It also support the MySQL protocol, and hence the user can continue using the MySQL client of their choice. It also provides a PHP binding that one can use to work with it from the shell itself.
Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC) Two-Phase Locking (Deadlock Prevention) Two-Phase Locking (Deadlock Detection)
Bedrock maintains page locks using Two-Phase Locking as done in SQLite. However, it has its own proprietary synchronization engine to support concurrency over multiple servers.
Bedrock's synchronization engine is a private distributed general ledger, i.e, a private blockchain. Each thread has an internal table called journal
, which has 3 columns called id
, query
, hash
. Each time a query is committed to the database, a new row is inserted into the journal
. The new row records the query, and calculates the new incremental hash based on the previous row. When a server connects to a cluster, the most recent id
and hash
are broadcasted. If two servers disagree on the the hash
corresponding to the id
, then they know that they have "forked" at some point and stop communicating with each other. A Paxos-based election scheme decides which fork stands up to the new master.
Since Bedrock supports multi-threaded writes, it is prone to write conflicts. This is addressed by "sharding" the table, and querying all the journal
tables in a UNION
whenever the database is to be viewed as one.