Gun is an open-source and realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph database engine written in JavaScript.

It is designed to be small and simple for fast data synchronization which runs everywhere JavaScript is supported. Gun is a fully distributed database aiming at scaling web application and correctly synchronizing data among devices with offline-first feature.


Gun was built by Mark Nadal in 2014.

He spent 4 years researching scaling up his web application, and eventually he found out it was hard with traditional databases or Master-Slave databases because of one big bottleneck, and decided to create Gun, a P2P database which can run on any browsers.

System Architecture


In Gun, every node utilizes its own memory space and shares the persistent storage with the other peers. Gun implements its own transport layer protocol for P2P networking, Daisy-chain Ad-hoc Mesh-network (DAM). The ad hoc mesh network is used to coordinate with peers by messaging without producing too many duplicate rebroadcasting messages.

Query Interface

Custom API

Gun provides custom API for query interfaces. Some other choices are also available including GraphQL and SPARQL.


Not Supported

Gun is a NoSQL database without views support.

Storage Model


Gun stores records in JSON files. Data and relations are represented as a graph. Records are connected by references, called “souls” internally in Gun. Some official and simple queries similar in SQL are implemented with paths traversing. Complex operations among relations can be easily extended on graph.

Foreign Keys

Not Supported

Gun is a NoSQL database without foreign keys support.


Patricia/Radix Trie

By default, Gun uses the Radisk Storage Engine as an in-memory and on-disk radix tree to store user data. Gun supports some existing persistent storage services like Amazon S3 to be plugged in, and also offers interfaces for developers to build persistent layer for it, so indexing can be flexible.


Not Supported

Not supported

Stored Procedures

Not Supported

Gun is a NoSQL database without stored procedures support.

Data Model


Gun uses graph to represent data and data relations. A logical graph in Gun is denormalized into a subset of JSON files.

Isolation Levels

Snapshot Isolation

Gun allows offline usage and synchronizes data when online with eventual consistency. Each user has their own copy of data when using. Conflicts are handled by Hypothetical Amnesia Machine (HAM) when presented during synchronization.


Not Supported

Gun is a NoSQL database without join operations support.

Storage Architecture


Gun supports both the disk-oriented and in-memory mode. It is offline-first database where browser asks peers for data to use in memory and browser local storage the most often as cache. By default, Gun has a built-in persistent storage layer called Radix and there are some other available third-party persistent service options suggested by Gun.

  • Amazon S3
  • Level
  • MongoDB
  • Cassandra


Not Supported

Gun does not support for checkpoints by default. But users may use third party adapters as the persistent layer like Amazon S3 to achieve checkpointing.


Prefix Compression

Gun uses radix tree to store user data in memory, and the Radisk is what the project team have designed for it to persist storage in Radix Tree by default. Gun also supports self-implemented or third-party persistent storage like Amazon S3, so data compression can be done outside of Gun.

GUN Logo

Source Code

Tech Docs


Mark Nadal

Country of Origin


Start Year


Project Type

Commercial, Open Source

Written in


Supported languages


Operating Systems



Apache v2