SimpleDB is a distributed NoSQL database. It provides simple querying of structured data and requires no schema. It automatically indexes data and provides a web based API for storage and access. It charges only for what they use. SimpleDB provides availability and network partition tolerance by sacrificing consistency.
SimpleDB was launched in 2007 and it was aimed to cooperate with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon S3. It is a better method for small files than Amazon S3. Amazon also has another NoSQL service named Amazon DynamoDB. It looks like a successor to SimpleDB. SimpleDB has strict storage limitation and requires manual partitioning of data while DynamoDB is highly scalable and handles partitioning automatically.
SimpleDB maintains multiple copies of each data. A successful write guarantees all copies of data is durable. There are two read consistency options: eventually consistent read and consistent read. A consistent read corresponds to read committed isolation level because it guarantees that the return value is the latest. An eventually consistent read acts like best efforts. It does not ensure that the copy of data is the latest but it is acceptable to increase throughput for some applications.
N-ary Storage Model (Row/Record)
No materials show the storage model of SimpleDB. I guess it is N-ary storage model because it is natural for key-value storage and NoSQL queries.