
OLAP Query Engine

Velox is a reusable vectorized database execution engine. It can be used to build compute engines focused on analytical workloads, including batch (Spark, Presto), interactive (PyVelox), stream, log processing, and AI/ML.

Unlike a complete database, Velox cannot be used directly by end-users. Rather, it is designed to be a general-purpose component to handle execution that database developers can use in their systems.


Meta's data infrastructure contains dozens of specialized data computation engines, which have been largely developed independently. Maintaining and enhancing each of them can be difficult, especially considering the rapid change of workload requirements and hardware condition.

Velox is created in 2020 and open-sourced in 2021 to address this problem as a unified execution engine. It is under active development, but it is already in various stages of integration with some systems, including Presto, Spark, and PyTorch (the latter through a data preprocessing library called TorchArrow), etc. Additional contributions were provided by Intel, ByteDance, and Ahana, etc.


Not Supported

Does not support database checkpoints. However, there is some actions in Velox to make its executor more resilient. For example, when memory allocation fails in a task, the current state can be spilled to disk, the task can be paused and return a continuable VeloxPromise. The Task can be resumed when memory tension is fixed.


Run-Length Encoding Null Suppression Prefix Compression

Vectors in Velox are arrow compatible but with slight difference. During execution, the vector being passed around may be compressed based on its value feature. There are flat vector, dictionary vector, constant vector and lazy vector, etc. Vectors' metadata typically contains four lists: Null Value Mask, Offsets, Sizes, Elements. Different vector types can achieve different extent of compression.

For strings, it adopts the Umbra way of storing 4-byte string prefix plus 8-byte pointer to BLOB buffer if the string size is larger than 12 bytes.

Data Model


Velox uses relational model. Inside the Velox dataframe abstraction, there are scalar values such as numbers of different length and precision, strings (VARCHAR or VARBINARY), timestamps of different precision and lambda functions. Complex types in Velox include arrays, maps, and structs, all of which can embed arbitrary scalar types.

Velox also provides a data type called OPAQUE that can wrap arbitrary C++ data structures.

Foreign Keys

Not Supported

Hardware Acceleration


Velox uses SIMD among multiple Nodes, such as BigintValuesUsingHashTable::testValues and processFixedFilter in the Filter Operator. Simple scalar UDFs may also be compiled as SIMD by Velox.

Isolation Levels

Not Supported


Hash Join Sort-Merge Join Broadcast Join Semi Join

Velox supports most common join rules, such as inner, left, right, semi, outer joins.

During Hash Join when the selectivity of the join keys on the build side is high and the table can fit into memory, Velox will use Broadcast distribution strategy, i.e. enforcing "Dynamic Filter Pushdown" to the Tablescan node. Other times, Velox will use partitioned strategy.

Velox also supports inner and left merge join for the case where both sides are sorted on the join keys.

If the join condition is IN in Semi joins and Anti Joins, Velox will maintain a null-mask to distinguish it with EXISTS case.


Not Supported

Parallel Execution


The top level concept in Velox execution is the query plan, a.k.a Task. Task can then be converted to multiple stacked pipelines, which is similar to the idea of pipeline in Morsel-Driven Parallelism in Hyper. Each Pipeline is consist of multiple Nodes, such as HashJoinNode, CrossJoinNode, MergeJoinNode, LocalMergeNode, LocalPartitionNode and TableScanNode. Nodes complete their execution using Operators and Drivers, which are both created by the Task. Each Driver represents a thread and it takes over the ownership of the Operator from Task. One node can have multiple Drivers working at the same time to achieve inner-query parallelism.

Query Compilation

Code Generation

For now, Velox experimentally supports query compilation through Codegen. It will transpile the query plan (Task) into C++ code and compile it to shared library using regular compilers (gcc / clang). This shared library can be linked to the main process at runtime.

Query Interface

Custom API

Users should use C++ for native support. Velox is also built as binary wheels for PyVelox (the Velox Python Bindings).

Storage Format

Apache Arrow

Velox is natively arrow compatible. By implementing its connector interface, users can make Velox support more storage formats. Support for formats such as Parquet and DWRF are already included in the library.

Storage Model

Decomposition Storage Model (Columnar)

As an execution engine designed for OLAP systems, DBMS is designed mostly for DSM storage model.

Stored Procedures


Velox exposes C++ scalar UDF function API to the user. Users can write business logic based on a template, and Velox will help compile arithmetic functions to SIMD automatically. It also supports user-defined aggregation functions.

System Architecture


Velox focuses on computation efficiency on single computer. Velox itself is an embedded engine. However, depending on the host system, it can also be expanded to run as standalone program. Prestissimo is the example of such practice.


Materialized Views

There is materialized view between pipelines (thread-level) stored in local exchange queues. Also, there is materialized view between tasks (computer-level) maintaining by exchange client.

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Source Code

Tech Docs





Country of Origin


Start Year


Project Type

Industrial Research, Open Source

Written in


Supported languages

C++, Python

Operating Systems

Linux, OS X


Apache v2