Neo4j is a highly scalable native graph database that leverages data relationships as first-class entities, helping enterprises build intelligent applications to meet today’s evolving data challenges. It provides ACID Transactions with online backups and high availability. DB Engines ranks Neo4j as the best graph processing database system.
Neo4j's first version was released in February, 2010 by Neo Technology in San Francisco. It is an ongoing project with the latest stable release 3.0 in April 2016. The idea behind developing Neo4j as a graph processing software was to store your relationships as first-class entities unlike NoSQL aggregate databases.
Two-Phase Locking (Deadlock Detection)
Neo4j uses locks for transactions which may lead to deadlock. Deadlocks are detected and the transaction is marked for rollback. The transaction may be retried if needed by the user. The retry logic is left to the user.
Logical transaction logs in Neo4j are used in scenarios when the database needs to be recovered after a unclean shutdown. They are also used for online backup operations, especially for incremental backups. These transaction log files are rotated after surpassing a certain size (25 Mb in size). The amount of log files or the used space can be configured.
Initially Neo4j did not support indexes however schema indexes were added in Neo4j 2.0, and now with Neo4j 2.3. Schema indexes allow to automatically index labelled nodes by one or more of their properties. Those indexes are then implicitly used by Cypher as secondary indexes and to infer the starting point(s) of a query
Neo4j can be backed up while it continues to serve user traffic (called “online” backup). Neo4j offers two backup options: full or incremental. These strategies can be combined to provide the best mix of safety and efficiency. Depending on the risk profile of the system, a typical strategy might be to have daily full backups and hourly incremental backups, or weekly full backups with daily incremental backups.
Code Generation JIT Compilation
Neo4j uses (byte) code generation in addition to JIT compilation. The JIT compilation is provided by the JVM.
Neo Technology, Inc.
All OS with Java VM, Linux, Windows